
     Mac OS X dmg
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     Linux RPM
   Supported DMM's
   Quickstart (PDF)

Digital Multimeter readout software with recorder

QtDMM screenshot


News: QtDMM was relicensed from GPL version 2 to GPL version 3 (27/04/2014)

Reason for the license change was a request from http://sigrok.org/. They want to incorporate QtDMM (or part of it) into their codebase. We came to the conclusion that further development on QtDMM will be done by the folks from sigrok. QtDMM is 13 years old now and I hope the people from sigrok keep it alive for another few years...

Update Sep. 2016: It turned out that the sigrok guys seem to be doing absolutely squat with QtDMM. Looks like I'll still have to maintain it for a while. QtDMM is not dead yet ...

QtDMM is a DMM readout software including a configurable recorder. A friend of mine asked me for a DMM readout software for Linux as the DOS software he had was not really usable. Additionally it featured numerous hefty translation errors in the GUI. To help him out I wrote this little piece of software.

The recorder features manual start, scheduled start (at a given time) and triggered automatic start when given thresholds are reached. Additionally you can start an external application when given thresholds are reached.

It was initially written for Metex (and compatible like VOLTCRAFT) multimeter which use an 14 byte protocol. Later several more protocols have been added. For more information on the currently supported DMM's have a look at the preset table.

With version 0.8 the ability to display more than one value from the multimeter was added.


QtDMM has been tested on Linux so far, but it should be compileable on other flavours of UNIX provided the following prerequisites are met:
  • Qt-4.x (development package including Qt3Support)
  • gcc
Versions before 0.9.0 need Qt version 3.x!
Versions before 0.8.3 need Qt version 2.x!


QtDMM comes in a source-only distribution. Compilation is simple.
  1. Untar the tarball
  2. Enter the directory QtDMM
  3. call qmake
  4. call make and wait a few moments

Now you'll find the executable qtdmm in the QtDMM/bin directory. Put it into your $PATH and you are done.


Version 0.9.3
- Bugfixe in export (timestamp didn't advance when time step was below 1 second)

Version 0.9.2
- Bugfixes
- New about dialog
- Added commandline option --print. When starting QtDMM with this option it prints the readings
  from the DMM to standard output. Usefull for further processing
- Added UniTrend UT61B and UT61D
- Added HoldPeak HP-90EPC
- Added Metex-3840

Version 0.9.0
- Ported to Qt4
- Relicensed from GPL version 2 to GPL version 3
- TekPower TP4000ZC / Digitek DT4000ZC
- Added PeakTech 3430

Version 0.8.14
- Terminal flags
- Voltcraft VC 920/940

Version 0.8.13
- One hour recording crash bug
- Metex M-4650C settings (Samuel Hildebrandt)
- Tenma 72-1016 settings (simon morris)
- Metex M-3870D settings (Zdeněk Šigut)

Version 0.8.12
- Added PeakTech 4015A (Jochen Puchalla)
- Added Tenma 72-7745 (Laurent Perez)
- Bugfix McVoice M-980T (Erik Hobel)
- Added Digitech QM1462 (Peter Halasz)
- Added Digitek INO2513
- Added Raio Shack 22-812 (Bruce Lilly)
- Corrected typo in dmmgraph (Erik Hobel)

Version 0.8.11
- Mac OS X port

Version 0.8.10
- Added Sinometer MAS-343
- Adedd PeakTech 3330
- Bugfix in VC820 protocoll
- Added Voltrcaft VC940
- Added Digitech QM1537
- Added Uni-Trend UT30A and UT30E
- Added Digitek DT-9062
- Confirmation Voltcraft M-3860
- Added PeakTech 4360

Version 0.8.9
- Added Voltcraft M-3610D
- Added Iso-Tech IDM 73

Version 0.8.8
- gcc 4.1 compatibility
- Added Digitech QM1538, MASTECH MAS-345, M-345pro, Voltcraft M-4650CR
- Context menu for graph
- Improved import

Version 0.8.7
- Added VC820, VC840, MASTECH M9803R, McVoice M-980T and Radioshack RS22-168A
- Save manual settings to file
- GUI configuration
- Up to 6 digits in display now

Version 0.8.6
- Cleaned up compiler warnings
- Added Metex M-3850M and PeakTech-4390 (Thanks to Hubert Mayer)
- Added Digitech QM 1350 (James Cameron)
- Import/Export issue (Hubert Mayer)
- Configuration problem for large port numbers (Hubert Mayer)

Version 0.8.5
- Fixed window save behaviour (nobody noticed yet?)
- Fixed sampling counter
- Added ME-42
- --console option. This might or might not help to identify problems

Version 0.8.4
- Added header file for debian
- Added QtDMM.desktop (Radek Liboska)
- Added PNG Icon (Radek Liboska)
- Separated device name and number (this way you can configure ttyS0-ttyS99 without the need for a one kilometer long popupmenu)

Version 0.8.3
- Finally ported to Qt-3

Version 0.8.2
- Added preset for Voltcraft M-3650D
- Removed performance bug in graph (manual scaling)
- Improved automatic scaling (not completed)
- Mouse panning in graph
- Thresholds can be moved with mouse now
- Reworked configuration dialog (fully non-modal now)

Version 0.8.1
- Added include to fix compilation problems on RedHat based systems
- Zoom IN/OUT of graph with wheelmouse

Version 0.8
- Added Protocol for ELV M9803R (Thanks to Ralph Fischer for providing me such a multimeter for testing)
- Added Protocol for Voltraft VC 635 and VC 655
- Display resides in toolbar now
- Bargraph for Display
- More configuration options for display
- Added parity setting for serial port
- Added setting for display digits (3 1/3 = 2000 digits, 3 3/4 = 4000 digits, 4 1/2 = 20000 disgits and 4 3/4 = 50000 digits)
- Improved graph scale
- Display shows up to four values now (not in graph yet)
- Bugfix for continuous polling protocolls. This should fix the problems reported by some users
- Display update separated from graph (displays as fast as the multimeter provides data)
- numerous small bugfixes
- introduced "tip of the day" dialog (still missing some text)

Version 0.7
- Added Voltcraft ME-42, M-3860, M-4660A, M-4660M, MXD-4660A
- Added protocol for Voltcraft VC 630, VC 650, VC 670
- Bugfix in 14 byte, polling protocol
- Fixed small configuration dialog bug

Version 0.6.2
- Added integration curve to capture and evaluate data from chromatographic detectors.
- More graph drawing options
- Configuration dialog is always on top now

Version 0.6.1
- Added online help texts (Should be complete now)
- Minor internal cleanup

Version 0.6
- Lots of chrome for the display
- Some minor buglets have been killed
- Thresholds are shown as horizontal lines

Version 0.5.1
- Added PeakTech 4010 (Michael Linnemann)
- Added Metex M-3660D (Ralph Fischer)
- Added some online help chrome

Version 0.5
- Can start external commands at given thresholds
- Added METEX universal system 9160 and Metex M3850D/3830D (Carsten Holck)

Version 0.4.1
- Improved import

Version 0.4
- Added import of data
- Configuration dialog is nonmodal now
- Added some GUI chrome
- Persistent printer settings
- Added 22-805 Radioshack DMM (Roger M.)
- Added Metex/Voltcraft ME-11 (Dough LaRue)
- Added Voltcraft ME-22T (Radek Liboska PhD)

Version 0.3
- Added Voltcraft M-4660 (Michael Petruzelka)

Version 0.2
- Added support for PeakTech-451 (Dr. Ralf Wieland)
- More port settings
- Added model presets

Version 0.1
- Initial release


Please don't forget to read, understand and agree to QtDMM's license before using it. Most major Linux distributions have packages for QtDMM.

Mac OS X dmg's

The Mac OS X binaries (compiled on Mac OS X 10.4.11) are statically linked against Qt 3.3.8. You don't need the Qt library installed on your system.

Version 0.8.12 QtDMM-0.8.12-Universal.dmg (bzip2 compressed)Intel & PPC
Version 0.8.11 QtDMM-0.8.11.dmgIntel only
QtDMM-0.8.11-Universal.dmgIntel & PPC

Windows installer

The Windows binary has been compiled on Windows7 with mingw (http://www.mingw.org). Please also install MinGW runtime environment.

Version 0.9.2 QtDMM-0.9.2-setup.exe  MD5 ee51e96382291e88ac7056d2eb1310f2

Windows static binary

Peter Stam was so kind to provide a statically linked binary for Windows 10. The Windows binary has been compiled on Windows 10 but also runs on Windows 11. (The binary reports that it is version 0.9.8)

Version 0.9.0 QtDMM win10 static  MD5 586117a738c08e8adc6b96bd93057972

Source distribution

Version 0.9.3 qtdmm-0.9.3.tgz MD5 fb92d76c8102f5a449ad0700512b77e2
Version 0.9.2 qtdmm-0.9.2.tgz MD5 806d9d92ec2d19cdaef30d2a29b4d367
Version 0.9.0 qtdmm-0.9.0.tgz MD5 c30f092f0a240278a0b12083ebf1ab3b
Version 0.8.14 qtdmm-0.8.14.tgz MD5 093e1707d49b31cf9d76134e85dfe108
Version 0.8.13 qtdmm-0.8.13.tgz MD5 be9dfebcdfceecfdbb4e01884dcffc73
Version 0.8.12 qtdmm-0.8.12.tgz MD5 a028858963eeca6278895a668e119536
Version 0.8.11 qtdmm-0.8.11.tgz MD5 04f2923eb30797105c28be9774a595c2
Version 0.8.10 qtdmm-0.8.10.tgz MD5 ee37865e8163a4dd6efc6780361b225d
Version 0.8.9 qtdmm-0.8.9.tgz MD5 9dec2ae06733af8de601bb529bf0aea3
Version 0.8.8 qtdmm-0.8.8.tgz MD5 c1a256aaf14bc5a351306d0739552577
Version 0.8.7 qtdmm-0.8.7.tgz MD5 d0bb89b3394dc782b56af4f63c22b2d2
Version 0.8.6 qtdmm-0.8.6.tgz MD5 606b8a9b7203fb23806d2401cf167a5b
Version 0.8.5 qtdmm-0.8.5.tgz MD5 997ccd71555bfce632b2fe31a16418cc
Version 0.8.4 qtdmm-0.8.4.tgz MD5 356dd55d6a7c772c0ea1d844a8fd6686
Version 0.8.3 qtdmm-0.8.3.tgz MD5 376766e119578b7801fbdcf51f8c680c
Version 0.8.2 qtdmm-0.8.2.tgz MD5 d7a8b74ac5633b1f79d396e72602ba17
Version 0.8.1 qtdmm-0.8.1.tgz MD5 d30d7b07e655dbd0fdd716e20c1b888c
Version 0.8 qtdmm-0.8.tgz MD5 779bc314cf91339c0fe65684a1742678
Version 0.7 qtdmm-0.7.tgz MD5 06120eca59e7b63694c1c17f3e4bacc5
Version 0.6.2 qtdmm-0.6.2.tgz MD5 d9ef527f733023719a08ebc21c4d0b34
Version 0.6.1 qtdmm-0.6.1.tgz MD5 12ea481ce3807d93d91a7947d0a1af24
Version 0.5.1 qtdmm-0.5.1.tgz MD5 bb4663db4bd2b4adee7aa79f50139075
Version 0.4.1 qtdmm-0.4.1.tgz MD5 e12d3cb8da171113f548d3bc4256225f
Version 0.4 qtdmm-0.4.tgz MD5 a3381b4499d407dc5005e049131d5aa2
Version 0.3 qtdmm-0.3.tgz MD5 25ec28b2c3ba30cadc5c839a90d96a5e
Version 0.2 qtdmm-0.2.tgz MD5 55a01eaf1501ccdb58799f12859d41ce
Version 0.1 qtdmm-0.1.tgz MD5 015ce4970646b320bb3ce67169b7593e

You might have to 'shift-click' the links to download the sources.

Version 0.6.2 shows a wrong version string and shows up as version 0.6.1. If your QtDMM has the 'integration' feature it is 0.6.2 in reality. I will not make a new version to change this as you can expect a new enhanced version in the near future anyway.

With version 0.8 the way of reading data from the multimeter was changed. This might have broken some of the drivers (and more likely fixed many problems). It would be nice if users of this version could (re)confirm if their DMM is (still) working.

Version 0.8.5 has a commandline option (--console). It makes QtDMM print a hexdump of the read data to stdout (if any). If you are in trouble, try this option and mail me the output.

Linux RPM's

Radek Liboska liboska@uochb.cas.cz was so kind to create RPM's

QtDMM-0.9.2-1.fc24.x86_64.rpm (Fedora 24)
QtDMM-0.9.2-1.fc23.i686.rpm (Fedora 23)
QtDMM-0.9.2-1.fc23.src.rpm (Fedora 23)
QtDMM-0.8.8-1.i386.rpm (FC5 Qt3.3.7)
QtDMM-0.8.7-1.i386.rpm (FC3 Qt3.3)

As I'm not the grandmaster of RPM's (I'm one of those old fashioned guys that prefer source tarballs :) please contact Radek if you get into trouble with the RPM's.

A Debian package can be found at http://packages.debian.org/unstable/science/qtdmm



QtDMM is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details.


is copyright by Matthias Toussaint
Last change:
October 30 2017
Copyright © 2001-2011 Matthias Toussaint