


cdmm is a small console application to read the output of digital multimeters connected to the computer (mostly serial or usb-serial). Currently it supports 9 different protocols and has built in parameters for more than 50 devices.

If your device isn't listed try playing with the parameters. The chance is quite good (As most multimeter are rebranded) that you get it working with the settings for a different multimeter or by manually adjusting the parameters. If you find a new working device, please report to This way future users of this device can benefit from your help.

For a list of the currently supported multimeters go here.

If you really need to implement a new protocol start reading the documentation for DMMClass.

Have fun
Matthias Toussaint

Generated on Mon Jan 22 23:24:18 2007 for cdmm by  doxygen 1.4.6